Thursday, June 30, 2011

Cover Whore - Female Awesomeness

Is it just me, or have a TON of these gorgeous covers lately have a some pretty breath taking females on the covers?

Take for example

Exhibit A:
Awakens - Kai Meyer

Before you say, 'you can't really see the girl', the snake is female (yeah..that's it) and is HOT! LOL

Exhibit B:
Anasazi - Emma Michaels

Though the hair is hogging the picture, I am stunned at how beautiful this cover is!

Exhibit C:
Everblue - Brenda Pandos

Imagine how much AquaNet it takes to get hair THAT big? But still it's purdy :)

Exhibit D:
Severed - Megg Jensen

The straight forward view on this cover is great! No glitz needed to make this cover gorgeous, because it already is!

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