Friday, January 20, 2012

Major Speed Bumps, Downhill Blog Depression and possibly The End?

...........Ok, first this is all being written from my busted ass iPhone, so bare with me!

Lately if you haven't noticed I've been dragging ass, and majorly sucking at blogging/reviewing/following thru and keeping my attention from wondering...squirrel!

You might be saying, "Oh there must be a great excuse", and you bet your ass I have like 50 amazing excuses! But that's just what they are, excuses. Regardless of the fact that they're legit and completely pardon me from my crimes of a horrid reviewer, it doesn't make them right.

I feel, all the way down to my core, that I'm letting SO many of you down. All I want is to be someones inspiration. To spark a reading or reviewing passion they never knew was there. I want to be that constant in this huge blogging sea, but in finding it harder and harder to keep my fingers latched onto that lifesaver that's keeping my head above water.

So why spill all this emotional vomit now?? It's has been a looooong time coming, but putting it into words hasn't really hit me until now.

Please, please just bare with me while I figure these messes (excuses) out on my end...Spunky, fun, BRIGHT NEON colors every where Jessica will be back. And probably soon then you, and even I, think!


Unknown said...

Take all the time you need. We will be here when you get back.

Anonymous said...

I second Sapphire. Slow down, girl. Take a breather if you need it. Life happens and you can only do so much in a day!


Bookluvr Mindy said...

No worries with me! I'll be here no matter how long it takes. *Muah*

Magical Urban Fantasy Reads

In Julie's Opinion said...

As mentioned above, take your time and take care of yourself! You definitely inspire me and I'll be waiting for you to return when you're ready:)

Anonymous said...

It's ok to feel sad. It's ok to feel. It's even ok to distract yourself from anything and everything in order to not feel, if it helps you get by. Thanks for sharing this and for giving yourself the permission to not make excuses. That takes courage. Being somebody's inspiration means doing exactly this, being venerable and letting others see you. that being venerable takes guts and makes you more strong and beautiful than putting up a false smile and acting like it's all ok when you're feeling sad/mad/bad which gets people dead. Again , thank you for sharing your real self with us. It gets better.

Jessica Hansen said...

You guys are going to make me cry! Anonymous you just made my day, and if I ever find out who you are I will give you a million hugs!

Deb Apodaca said...

I just gotta say, you are an inspiration! The way you express yourself with your sarcasm and the strike through wording is unique. One day, I will express my wording as I really want to. You have shown me that it doesn't scare people away. I'm always checking out your page and I never EVER leave without a laugh.
I have to take breaks every now and then too, it get's overwhelming at times. I disappear and then BAM! I'm back fully charged and feeling like giving away I shall await your return! And I'll keep my eyes peeled for Anonymous. ;)