Thursday, May 6, 2021

{Cover Reveal} Curse of Shadows - By A.K. Wilder

Hello Readers! Welcome to the Cover Reveal for

Curse of Shadows by A.K. Wilder

presented by Entangled Teen!


What do you think of the cover?

Get lost in the adventure and fantasy of the Amassa series, which SLJ called “a magical, enthralling world that keeps readers engaged from the first page,” perfect for fans of Shadow and Bone or The Bone Witch. Secrets will be revealed and choices will be made as Ash, Marcus, and Kaylin race to raise their phantoms and save the world.


Curse of Shadows (Amassia #2) by A.K. Wilder
Publication Date: January 4, 2022
Publisher: Entangled Teen

A.K. Wilder is a bestselling speculative fiction author with nine published novels in Australia. Originally from California, she lives on the far eastern coast of Australia with a house full of kids and one extraordinary spotted cat. Her favorite pastimes, besides daydreaming, include meditation, yoga, organic gardening, and weight training. Her novel writing is done in the early hours of the morning.

Website | Twitter | Facebook | Goodreads


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