
Author: Karcice Bolton
Release Date: 10/2013
Purchase Info: Amazon ~ B&N
Scientists are the new rock stars. The infection has been contained for nearly three months, and the world is celebrating. But humans are still dying. Rebekah Taylor has seen it firsthand. Her husband was killed right in front of her by the very creatures that humans were told they no longer had to fear.
Rebekah is determined to find out who is responsible for the death of her husband and the obvious cover-up. Fueled with revenge, she begins to find answers that lead to one frightening conclusion. The apocalypse might be over, but the battles are just beginning.
Not at all what I was expecting, not even close. In a book that's about zombie I honestly expected to see more of them.
That heart racing fear about not knowing where they're going to come from is what we all love, and though this book had other fantastic areas, I still found myself wanting more.
Rebekah is a badass.
Things in your life change you, living through the zombie apocalypse is one that will, but watching your husband being taken from you and eaten.....well that's a whole different ball game. After seeing that & suddenly some mysterious vans come rolling up to take the zombies back from where they came from, Rebekah knows something major is up! As the story goes on she learns there's a whole different world out there, one that is a danger and lurking right at the door step of her loved ones. Now she feels that she must do everything she can to stop it.
I really like how the book progressed, one of my favorite times was when she was first introduced to Preston. Mild-mannered bartender by night, kick-ass boss of a secret organization by the rest of his day. Rebekah and him had a lot of common bonds, loss, wanting answers, but it was great that they were able to actually form a connection with each other. Not that gushy-lovey type, but the kind where 2 people care & have an understanding.
By the end of this book I was dying to have answers! I got them, and well now I want another book! Maybe one where the zombies are running free....it's just a thought!
---$50 Amazon card