Tuesday, December 27, 2016

{Book Blitz + Giveawau} Light In My Dark - By Jean Gilbert & William Dresden


Light in My Dark - By Jean Gilbert & William Dresden
Genre: YA Fantasy
Release Date: October 21st 2016
Rogue House Publishing

Two boys love her. Two worlds need her. Only she can save them both.

Sixteen-year-old Harper Deveraux has longed for an adventure ever since her mother died of cancer four years ago. Much to her dismay, she is stuck in Glen Eden, a small mountain town in upstate New York that does little to fuel her hopes and dreams.

Another year of high school has begun, and with the Moon Dance only a few weeks away, Harper suddenly finds herself torn between the affections of two boys: her best friend Jack, and a new boy from the City named Knes who might not be from this world.

Strange things begin to happen in Glen Eden when Harper uncovers a mystery that involved her mother and a realm shrouded in darkness that lies beyond the wall... A realm that Knes intends to take her to. Only Jack stands in his way.

Light In My Dark, is an action-packed modern YA fantasy, filled with dark forces, love, and self-discovery.

On sale for $1.99 for a limited time!
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The heat under Harper's sweater disappeared the longer she stared at the house. Goose bumps tickled her flesh. She wrapped her arms around her body, but the chill remained. Even so, her eyes refused to look away from the house.
     "Well," she said," in the real world it is said that she fell through the floor in a part of the house that was still under construction at the time. No mystery there. Just an accident."
     Jack raised an eyebrow at her. "In the middle of the night? Who goes walking around a construction site in the middle of the night? That's just stupid. What gets me is that's what all the tourists come to see, not the lake or the mountains or anything else that Glen Eden has to offer. Give the house a ghost, and they come running."
     "Maybe it deserves a ghost. At least then it would be lived in."
     Neither one said anything for a moment as they stared at the mansion.
     Finally, Jack spoke again. "There must be over a hundred rooms in there. It'd take days to explore them all."
     "It'd be an adventure."
     "You'd like that, wouldn't you?"


About the Authors

William Dresden is an author and award-winning screenwriting. He spent several years as a script doctor and pursued the dream of writing hollywood blockbusters. Now he mostly writes fiction and enjoys spending time with his family and friends. William currently lives in Virginia with his wife and two children.

Author Links

Jean Gilbert is an award winning speculative fiction writer from New Zealand. She is a Core member of SpecFicNZ, and is also the coordinator for SpecFicNZ Central. Jean's novels include the Vault Agency Series: Shifters, Ardus, and The Vault. You can find her short stories Blonde Obsession in Baby Teeth: Bite Size Tales of Terror, and Pride in the Contact Light Anthology. 

Author Links

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Thursday, December 22, 2016

{Book Blitz + Giveaway} Water & Blood - By B. Kristin McMichael


Water & Blood - By B. Kristin McMichael

Release Date: 11/20/2016
Genre: YA Paranormal
Publisher: Lexia Press

Beaches, sun, and swimming was what Whitney thought she’d get when she moved all the way across the country to the Atlantic Coast. It was a chance to start over, a fresh start outside the paranormal night human world she grew up in. She was ready to be a normal human; one who didn’t have to worry about drinking blood or all the fighting that went on in that world.

Perfectionist Sam did everything well. He protected his family and friends as he swore he would. He had jobs to help everyone survive while they hid in plain sight. He even taught swimming lessons. His life was perfect, at least until Whitney showed up in his town. Without thinking of the consequences, Sam makes a choice to follow his heart for a change. That choice changes everything, maybe for better or for worse.

After one year of getting used to her new reality, Whitney discovers that maybe she was never meant to leave the night human world after all. Deciding to take swimming lessons, she is paired with high school hottie, Prince Sam as her friends called him. That one decision changes her life, and she’s quickly thrown right back into the night human world she thought she was getting away from. The only question is: Can she survive going back?

Buy Link: Amazon 



Tipping his head back, Sam stared at the clouds. Life would have been much easier if the other night humans knew about the sirens. They would be free to stay on land as much as they wanted, and he would have access to blood banks and not have to trick day humans into swimming lessons to feed himself. And his job of keeping the land sirens safe would be so much easier if they weren’t running around hungry all the time. He hated the way everything had turned out. He understood it, but that didn’t mean he had to agree.

The splashing in the pool had stopped. Sam looked down to see whether his student was taking a break or she was done for the day. She wasn’t at her twentieth lap yet. By his calculations, she was only at fourteen.

Jumping up from his seat, Sam dove effortlessly into the pool and across the width of the lanes without surfacing for breath. Yes, some wandering day human too close to the pool could have seen, but it was an emergency. Whitney was floating face down in the pool, and she wasn’t just holding her breath.

In one swift motion, Sam lifted Whitney’s lifeless body out of the water as he emerged from below her. He immediately jumped out beside her. Without hesitating, Sam began to breathe into her mouth. Her heartbeat was slowing. He didn’t need to feel for a pulse; his senses told him that much. Sam blew into her mouth again, trying to get air to her body.

With her blonde hair matted to her, Whitney lay there limp and unresponsive. Sam stared at her. Even on the verge of death, he was pulled to her, but now his siren instincts were taking over. He had seen his share of people dying from drowning, and they all looked as appetizing as she did when she swam. Now as she was dying Sam realized he didn’t want to feed on her, he wanted to keep her alive.


About the Author

B. Kristin McMichael is the author of YA and clean NA paranormal fiction. Her vampiric "Night Human World" includes the YA coming of age series "The Blue Eyes Trilogy" and the spin-off adventure series "The Day Human Trilogy" and “The Skinwalkers Witchling”. She's also the author of the NA time travel romance series "The Chalcedony Chronicles".

B. Kristin graduated with her PhD in biology at Ohio State where she worked as a scientist before taking her passion of writing full-time. Besides writing, she enjoys chasing her kids, playing outside, and baking cookies.

B. Kristin McMichael lives in Ohio with her husband and three children. If you don’t find her writing, then she probably has a book in her hand. Make sure to stop by and say hi on her social media.

Author Links



Wednesday, December 21, 2016

{Series Blitz + Giveaway} Midnight Fire - By Kaitlyn Davis


The Complete Midnight Fire Series - By Kaitlyn Davis
(Midnight Fire #1-4)
Release Date: October 31st 2013
Genres: Paranormal, Romance, Young Adult

**Over 200,000 Copies of the Midnight Fire Series Sold!**
**Over 5000 5-Star Reviews on Goodreads!**
LIMITED TIME OFFER: Get the entire five book series for only 99cents!
Kira Dawson has the power to burn vampires to a crisp. The problem is, she doesn’t know it yet. The even bigger problem is, she’s dating one.
When Kira Dawson moves to South Carolina, she meets Luke, a blond goofball who quickly becomes her best friend, and Tristan, a mysterious bad boy who sends shivers down her spine. Kira knows they’re keeping secrets, but when she discovers Tristan’s lust for blood and her own dormant mystical powers, Kira is forced to fight for her life and make the heartbreaking decision between the familiar comfort of friendship and the fiery passion of love.
From bestselling author Kaitlyn Davis comes a paranormal romance perfect for fans of Twilight, The Vampire Diaries, and Buffy The Vampire Slayer.

Books included in this bundle:
Ignite – Book One
Simmer – Book Two
Blaze – Book Three
Scorch – Book Four
Burn – An Anniversary Novella
Only 99¢ for a limited time!


Ignite (Midnight Fire Book One)
Tristan finished reading his lines. “Hey, Juliet, it’s your turn.” He smirked.
“Oh, right.” She looked down at her book. “‘O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art though Romeo.'” She tried to copy his apathetic style of reading and was secretly overjoyed when he laughed at her.
“I get it, I sounded like an idiot.” She just continued giving him the same silent treatment he had given her. “Okay, here’s the truth, Kira. We can’t talk here, and we shouldn’t even be talking now, or maybe ever.”
“You told me that already.” She stopped reading.
“Yet, you seem to have trouble understanding it. English is your first language, right?” She rolled her eyes at the joke. “Like I said before, we just can’t ever be.”
“I understand what you’re saying, but I also know you don’t mean it.” She leaned closer to him to prevent from being overheard.
“I do,” he said, forcing the point.
“Oh really?” she tried to push him now. “It didn’t seem that way when you kissed me.”
“Kira, forget that ever happened, okay?”
“Or what? You don’t scare me.”
“I should,” he said and shot Kira a lethal look.
His eyes changed color to the lightest blue she could imagine, and they held her captive. Not in the romantic way, but as though she were a prisoner held paralyzed. His eyes were ice cold, making her shiver as though she had been dropped in an arctic pool, and slowly his pupils began to expand, overtaking his irises.
Kira was scared, but more than that, she felt like he knew it and didn’t care. Try as she might, she couldn’t look away—completely stuck. Slowly, a feeling of warmth spread to her hands, burning hot, a sense of power that fought the fear tightening her stomach in knots.
Whipping her gaze to the floor, Kira breathed heavy as she finally broke his stare. Her fingertips still tingled with the heat that had coursed through her, allowing her to break his gaze. Kira leaned back against her chair, away from him, and touched her fingers to her cheek.
They burned into her skin.
“What the hell was that?” she asked unsteadily, still not looking up. The heat emanating from her hand absorbed all of Kira’s thoughts.
“Me,” he said with the venom gone from his voice. She looked at him again and caught the unbearably sad expression in his eyes before he looked away.
Or me? she thought, feeling the warmth finally ebb.

About the Author

Bestselling author Kaitlyn Davis writes young adult fantasy novels under the name Kaitlyn Davis and contemporary romance novels under the name Kay Marie.
Always blessed with an overactive imagination, Kaitlyn has been writing ever since she picked up her first crayon and is overjoyed to share her work with the world. When she's not daydreaming, typing stories, or getting lost in fictional worlds, Kaitlyn can be found indulging in some puppy videos, watching a little too much television, or spending time with her family. If you have any questions for her--about her books, about scheduling an event, or just in general--you may contact her at: KaitlynDavisBooks@gmail.com
To stay up-to-date with all of Kaitlyn's new releases, sign up for her new release newsletter here: TinyLetter.com/KaitlynDavisBooks



$50 Amazon gift card


Tuesday, December 20, 2016

{Release Blitz: Excerpt + Giveaway} Silerwitch - By Tamara Grantham


Silverwitch - By Tamara Grantham
(M.D. Series, The Olive Kennedy)
Published By: Crimson Tree Publishing
Release Date: 12/19/2016
Genres: Adult, Fantasy, Romance

It’s Faythander’s legend of King Arthur. And it’s not for the faint of heart.
Olive Kennedy, Fairy World MD, isn’t ready to go back to work. But when her dragon stepfather shows up on her doorstep with bad news of the world-ending variety, that’s exactly what she’ll have to do. He wants her to stop the elven queen from obtaining seven weapons of King Arthur fame, and he wants her to break into a dragon’s vault to do it.
One problem. Silvestra, the silverwitch of Dragon Spine Mountain, guards the weapons. And she’s not willing to give them up. With the help of Kull, her newly reunited, half-crazed Viking boyfriend, she’s hopeful they’ll stand up against the dragon. Plus, she’ll have the help from Kull’s warrior princess sister and a professional thief.
But Olive has never had great luck. What starts as a routine quest quickly turns into a life or death fight. And one of her companions won’t make it out alive…



“I fail to see how we’re lucky. We’re trapped in an unfamiliar world with no way of returning home. The staff is gone, and I have a suspicion that if we find it, we will not live long enough to return it to the sky king.”
Maveryck gave me a condescending smile. “Perhaps you will not live long enough,” he said as he stood, and without further explanation, he limped away from me and down a narrow hallway. I hesitated before following him. Navigating alone through a tomb like this would be suicide, so I reluctantly trailed him, barely keeping my temper in check.
“Where are you going?” I demanded.
“To find a way out of here.”
“What then?” I asked. “Where will we go? How will we find the staff? How will we return home? Have you the magic to create portals?”
He rounded on me, his jaw clenched. “First, and listen very clearly, I’m not in the habit of answering questions—not from you or anyone else. Second, I’m not your friend, nor am I trying to help you. For the time being, we share the same goal, so I will work with you in order to bring the staff back. After that, our partnership will be dissolved. I’ve never lost an object before, and it won’t happen now. If you impede me in any way, I will aid you no more.”
“Have you forgotten who my brother is? Should you return to Faythander without me, what do you think the king will do to you?”
“I don’t care.”
“You might care when you’re rotting in the Wult dungeons.”
“I doubt he would throw me in the dungeons for leaving you. In all honesty, I believe he would reward me.”
Now he’d pushed too far. I’d had an ill feeling about this man from the moment I’d met him, and I would tolerate his superior attitude no more. I shoved him against the wall, pressing the weight of my body against him, making the stacks of skeletal remains rattle behind us.
“Enough,” I hissed. “I will not tolerate being spoken to in such a manner.”
Instead of shying away as I expected, he clamped my wrists in his hands. He used no magic, but the calculated look he gave me sent shivers down my spine. “And I,” he said, “will also not tolerate being spoken to in such a manner.”
Fear made my heart beat wildly. Who is this man? It was at that moment I realized how very little I knew about him. Where did he come from? Where did he live? Who were his kin? His gaze locked with mine, and sparks of purple danced in the gray of his irises. I knew he possessed magic, but he’d led me to believe his powers were limited. Had he lied?


About the Author

Tamara Grantham is the award-winning author of more than half a dozen books and novellas, including the Olive Kennedy: Fairy World MD series and the Shine novellas. Dreamthief, the first book of her Fairy World MD series, won first place for fantasy in INDIEFAB’S Book of the Year Awards, a RONE award for best New Adult Romance of 2016, and is a #1 bestseller on Amazon in both the Mythology and Fairy Tales categories with over 100 reviews.
Tamara holds a Bachelor’s degree in English. She has been a featured speaker at the Rose State Writing Conference and has been a panelist at Comic Con Wizard World speaking on the topic of female leads. For her first published project, she collaborated with New York-Times bestselling author, William Bernhardt, in writing the Shine series.
Born and raised in Texas, Tamara now lives with her husband and five children in Wichita, Kansas. She rarely has any free time, but when the stars align and she gets a moment to relax, she enjoys reading fantasy novels, taking nature walks, which fuel her inspiration for creating fantastical worlds, and watching every Star Wars or Star Trek movie ever made. You can find her online at www.TamaraGranthamBooks.com.



Clean Teen Publishing Mystery Box (Intl winner would get eBook prizes)


Monday, December 19, 2016

{Book Blitz + Giveaway} Seasons Within - By Lele Iturrioz


Seasons Within
Lele Iturrioz
(Acorn Publishing)
Publication date: December 15th 2016
Genres: Fantasy, Young Adult
Most teenage girls know their name, where they came from, who they are. Not G, a beautiful redhead with unusual markings on her wrist. She gets her name from a silver locket she keeps around her neck, unaware the engraved letter “G” on its front holds the secret to her past.
G’s life before the age of six has been a mystery to her. Each night for the last twelve years she’s been haunted by the same nightmare—a war. Horrendous beasts, warriors able to wield the four elements, and a boy who saves her by means of blue fire taunt her memory. But on her eighteenth birthday, G’s life begins to unravel. When she meets her new Chemistry professor, a man with an uncanny resemblance to the boy who saves her, she knows there must be more to her dreams.
It’s dangerous not knowing who you are, what you’re capable of, and what future awaits you. Especially when the darkness that slaughtered your entire world, just found you.


DUST. Everything was covered in dust and ashes.
Nádúr Noc, the main city of Terra was once beautiful and full of life. Not like that night, the night the darkness descended from the far land of Ifreann.
Now, the round city of Nádúr Noc was dark, burned, and destroyed.
Trees were no longer big and full of different green and golden, bright colors. The river Enosi, a river that surrounded the city with its peaceful crystalline water was now a rapid of blood and death. As for the sky, once bright and blue, it was now filled with dark smoke so thick, it made it nearly impossible to see the remains of the Zansèt Palace; a magnificent castle in the middle of the city made of pearls, flowers, rocks, and vines.
On that night, there was no music and laughter. The only thing anybody could hear were screams and the desolate pleas of the in-habitants. Fear, pain, and unimaginable loss.
This city wasn’t the ruins of any ordinary war, it was the ruins between the light side of nature and the darkest of evils. Beasts and other horrendous creatures destroyed everything that they came across. Killed everyone in their sight. Soulless creatures who lived to torture. Answering to no one, no one except Him, the one who owned the darkness. The one who hell itself was afraid of.


Author Bio:
Major geek by day, hermit writer by night! Love books, sugar gliders and everything that comes in a delicious taco.
I’m the author of the YA fantasy series, Seasons Within
I spend my time writing, planning on writing, reading, drinking coffee like there was no tomorrow, MMA and chilling with my friends and loved ones.




{Cover Reveal} Fallling Out of Focus - By Brynn Myers


Falling Out of Focus - By Brynn Myers
Release Date: January 24th 2017
Genres: Adult, Paranormal, Romance

I was drowning, but all I needed to do was breathe.
It was 5:45pm when I decided my future.
By 9:43 I was well on my way to making it all come true.
At 11:16 I took the first step to make it a reality.
At 11:17 I fell and found peace.
When a dream of dying actually becomes a chance to live. All you have to do is fall.


About the Author

Brynn Myers is an urban fantasy/paranormal romance author. After considering writing a hobby for years, she finally turned her passion and talent into a career. She came into the paranormal genre later than most but has always loved fairy-tales and all things magical. Using that love, she creates charmed worlds by writing stories involving passionate, strong willed characters with something to discover.
Brynn lives with her family in the Brevard County, Florida area.


Friday, December 16, 2016

{Book Blitz + Giveaway} Golden Dragon - By V.E. Ulett


Golden Dragon  - By V.E. Ulett
(Code Black #1)
Release Date: 10/20/2016
Genre: Historical Fantasy/Steampunk Adventure

Miriam Kodio Blackwell is caught between East and West. When a Code Black arises she is recruited by Lord Q, head of British intelligence and airships, who helps Miriam escape Iran only to press her into service of the Crown. Will Miriam survive when she's put aboard the airship Nonesuch—with her captain, crew, and a Hell-Cat of fearsome reputation—and the assignment to rescue the niece of a Dutch ally taken captive in the South China Sea?

Golden Dragon is a witty new steampunk adventure, set in the Romantic age of Byron and Shelley.

Praise for Golden Dragon -
“Miriam is a great character. She figures out quickly how to use what she has in order to make an impact. I am very excited to see what new adventures will await the characters in the next book! This is a solid pick!” - MEGAN WESSELL, A Bookish Affair

“...a delightful fusion between historical fiction and fantasy with believable characters and an entertaining plot: highly recommended.” - ALARIC BOND, author of The Guinea Boat, Turn a Blind Eye, and The Fighting Sail Series


About the Author

V.E. Ulett is a long time resident of California, but spends most of her time in a romantic nineteenth century world of airships and adventure. When she isn't head down in a first hand account of capture by pirates, battle at sea, or experimental flight, V.E. is an ordinary Silicon Valley warrior. Rare leisure hours are spent with her own small Hell-Cats.
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