Tuesday, August 30, 2016

{Blog Tour: Review + Giveaway} Red: The Untold Story - By Angela Hudson

Author: Angela M. Hudson  
Release Date: 7/25/2016 
Purchase Info: Amazon ~ B&N A powerful new YA novel by award-winning dark romance author AM Hudson.

Do not go gentle into the wolf's asylum...

Once every twenty years, pack alpha Luther takes a new wife. On the day of Selection, Red is chosen. Just as her family always planned. Just as she always planned. Until she met Alex Plain.

Alex took Red to worlds she never imagined, where the ordinary is seen as magical, and the upright is abstract. With the help of this new friendship, Red begins to see a future for herself outside of the pack. But, unfortunately, Alex Plain came along too late.

Red is obligated to marry Luther now, and taken to live in the mysterious Ravenswood Mansion, where truth lies and the walls have eyes. What Red learns there about her alpha will ignite some burning questions—ones that, when answered, could undo the entire order of the pack:

What happened to all the children born there? Why hasn’t this mansion left the seventeenth century? And where are all his previous wives?


When an author attempts a twisted retelling a classic fairy tale the seem to always run the risk of not meeting the readers expectations, simply for the fact that we all have these original stories burned into our memories. Some people have a tendency to close their minds to retellings, without accepting the new angle that an author is offering it's reader, but I for one embrace them 100%!!

Red to me was phenomenal, I love how the first line of the book scratched any, "Happily Ever After", you thought you'd be getting. It doesn't set you up for your typical fairy tale, it gives you emotion times a million, grit and heartache.

So many different things about this book reeled me in, from the scenery, to the history surrounding the secrective community they call "the Wolf's Asylum", every single piece of this book fell into place perfectly. Even the characters played off with other with ease.

Red I feel will forever hold a special place in my heart, because when her world starts to crumble around her she does whatever is necessary to pull herself out of the rubble. As she continues to try and reestablish the honor within her family a piece of the puzzle falls into her lap....Alex...though it might not be the piece she wanted, or expected, Alex absolutely fits there.

Though I would love to just go on, and on about all the details, I won't. I want all of you to read this book so badly, I will purposely not tell you any juicy details! --->insert evil laugh<---



About the Author

Angela Hudson is a popular Australian novelist, who has captivated fans all over the world since her Dark Secrets series was released in 2011. Known for her character driven novels and twisted plots, her epic stories will confuse you, draw you in, make you feel something, including a strong desire to murder the protagonist at least once.

When she's not making people fall in love with her works, she spends time sorting a mountain of laundry for her four sons and drags shoelaces around the house for her Ragdoll cat Pudding to chase.

Angie loves a good chat about all things bookish, so come find her on Facebook at 'Author AM Hudson', and she absolutely loves readers that leave reviews.



Monday, August 29, 2016

{Cover Reveal} The Marked One - By Chevoque

The Marked One
(The Marked Series, #1)
Published by: Limitless Publishing
Publication date: September 13th 2016
Genres: Contemporary, New Adult, Romance
All Aaliyah had ever wanted was to be invisible…
To not be stared at. To not have to display her lifelong pain everywhere she goes. But society is too blind to see that beauty lies beneath the skin.
Aaliyah only reveals her special mark—a facial birthmark—to the closest people in her life. But when Aaliyah’s friend paints her in a portrait titled The Marked One?, her birthmark is exposed to the world. Now no amount of makeup can keep Aaliyah’s secret.
Tristan Gerardo appears to be a successful CEO, but he is hiding many secrets…
What many don’t realize is that his successful public persona is a mask for his own pain—both of losing a sibling, and his failed marriage.
Tristan buys a portrait called The Marked One?, and is shocked when the subject of the portrait arrives for an interview at his company. He pursues Aaliyah, and while she is cautious at first, she feels an ease around Tristan that she’s never experienced before.
Little by little, Tristan’s secrets are exposed…
While Tristan struggles to keep Aaliyah from finding out how his sister died, she discovers he is still married. He assures her she has his full loyalty and the divorce is just a matter of time, and she desperately wants to believe him. But his estranged wife re-enters his life, and Tristan must figure out how to convince Aaliyah that she means the world to him.
How can Tristan make Aaliyah realize that he loves her for herself, and not because of her notoriety as The Marked One?
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**Designed by Deranged Doctor Design**

Author Bio:
Chevoque was born as Rochelle de Beer on 15 May 1992 in Klerksdorp, South Africa, and as an only child, the world seemed like a lonely place, until she set her mind free and got lost in the worlds she created for herself. Her writing began at a young age and with numerous stories still waiting to be released from her mind, only time now seems to hold her back. She also has a degree in BSc. Environmental and Biological Sciences, because she's a tree hugging animal lover, who hopes to never use her degree to cause cruelty.


Saturday, August 27, 2016

{Series Cover Reveal} Harmless Series - By Meli Raine


A Harmless Little Game - By Meli Raine
(Harmless, #1)
Publication date: October 18th 2016
Genres: Adult, Romance, Suspense

Four years ago I lost my virginity on live, streaming television. 
Too bad I wasn’t awake for it. 
The video went viral. Of course it would. A Senator’s daughter on camera? Wouldn’t you click “share”? Besides, that’s what three of the four guys in the video did. 
They shared me. 
But that fourth guy? The nondescript one in the background in the upper left corner of the screen, just sitting on the couch? The only one who did nothing? Not one single thing. 
That was my boyfriend, Drew. 
And that was the last time I saw him. 
Until today, when my father—now on a path to the White House—hired him as head of security for my new team as I return home after four years of “recovering” in an undisclosed location that involved white lab coats, needles, pills and damage control.  
You see, the other three guys never went to jail. Never had charges pressed. 
Never faced consequences. 
Until today. 
Game on. 
* * *
A Harmless Little Game is the first in this political thriller/romantic suspense trilogy by USA Today bestselling author Meli Raine.


A Harmless Little Ruse - By Meli Raine
(Harmless, #2)
Publication date: October 25th 2016
Genres: Adult, Romance, Suspense

She has no idea what she’s doing. 
Loose cannons never hit their targets. 
And they take out plenty of collateral damage. 
Four years ago Lindsay experienced the unspeakable right before me, and I couldn’t stop them. 
But that’s all changed now. 
When her father, Senator Bosworth, contacted me to ask — demand — that I protect her, it was a second chance. A shot at redemption. 
An opportunity to right an unspeakable wrong. 
Controlling Lindsay as she seeks her revenge on the monsters who hurt her won’t be hard. 
Containing my own out-of-control feelings for Lindsay and keeping up this ruse of cold-blooded distance will be. 
Even harder than admitting to her what really happened that night four years ago. 
It turns out I don’t have to, though. 
Someone else did it for me. 
And I’ll make sure they regret it.

* * *
A Harmless Little Ruse is the second book in this political thriller/romantic suspense trilogy by USA Today bestselling author Meli Raine, and is entirely from Drew’s perspective.


A Harmless Little Game - By Meli Raine
(Harmless, #3)
Release Date: November 1st 2016
Genres: Adult, Romance, Suspense

Turns out there was a second video from that awful night four years ago. 
Mine wasn’t the only tape. 
Too bad mine wasn’t the worst. 
Drew can’t protect me no matter how hard he tries, but the roles are flipped now. I have to help him, but I’m not wired that way. Not anymore. That one night changed me more than anyone knows. 
More than anyone could predict. 
Three men think they’re above the law.  
They’re right. 
But I’m willing to go beneath the law to make sure they never harm anyone else. Their threats don’t scare me. 
When you have nothing left to lose because someone took it all away, you create the most dangerous creature imaginable. 
Game over. 
* * *
A Harmless Little Plan is the final book in the political thriller/romantic suspense trilogy by USA Today bestselling author Meli Raine.




About the Author

Meli Raine writes romantic suspense with hot bikers, intense undercover DEA agents, bad boys turned good, and Special Ops heroes — and the women who love them. 
Meli rode her first motorcycle when she was five years old, but she played in the ocean long before that. She lives in New England with her family. 


Thursday, August 25, 2016

{Cover Reveavl + Giveaway} Faithful - By Michelle Hauck

Today Michelle Hauck and Rockstar Book Tours are revealing the cover for FAITHFUL, book two in the Birth of Saints series which releases November 15, 2016! Check out the gorgeous cover and enter to win a SIGNED copy of book 1 GRUDGING!

On to the reveal! 

(Birth of Saints #2)
Author: Michelle Hauck
Pub. Date: November 15, 2016
Publisher: Harper Voyager Impulse
Formats: eBook
ISBN: 9780062447173
Find it: Amazon | B&N | iBooks | Goodreads

Following Grudging--and with a mix of Terry Goodkind and Bernard Cornwall--religion, witchcraft, and chivalry war in Faithful, the exciting next chapter in Michelle Hauck's Birth of Saints series!

A world of Fear and death…and those trying to save it.

Colina Hermosa has burned to the ground. The Northern invaders continue their assault on the ciudades-estados. Terror has taken hold, and those that should be allies betray each other in hopes of their own survival. As the realities of this devastating and unprovoked war settles in, what can they do to fight back?

On a mission of hope, an unlikely group sets out to find a teacher for Claire, and a new weapon to use against the Northerners and their swelling army.

What they find instead is an old woman.

But she’s not a random crone—she’s Claire’s grandmother. She’s also a Woman of the Song, and her music is both strong and horrible. And while Claire has already seen the power of her own Song, she is scared of her inability to control it, having seen how her magic has brought evil to the world, killing without reason or remorse. To preserve a life of honor and light, Ramiro and Claire will need to convince the old woman to teach them a way so that the power of the Song can be used for good. Otherwise, they’ll just be destroyers themselves, no better than the Northerners and their false god, Dal. With the annihilation their enemy has planned, though, they may not have a choice.

A tale of fear and tragedy, hope and redemption, Faithful is the harrowing second entry in the Birth of Saints trilogy.


Exclusive Excerpt

Not for the first time, Claire reconsidered her decision to stay when Ramiro had asked her. She’d lingered out of curiosity—and truthfully because it felt good to be needed—but they didn’t need her now with the Northern army defeated. She could return to the swamp and away from so many people. Despite her hopes of friends and community, she felt awkward here. Reason said she’d get used to their ways, but being around so many folk made her want to hide. Everything pressed down. The walls of the tent shrunk, pinning her in, and smothering her. It became hard to breathe.
She reached for a fresh strip of cloth, only to have her hand shake. She snatched the material and began to roll it, trying to shut out everything else, including her own doubts.
Before she could find a semblance of peace, though, someone shouted. Ladies screamed. Claire looked over her shoulder at the noise. A brown-bearded man in a poncho and a floppy hat ran in her direction. “My family is dead, because of the evacuations. Because of you.”
Claire gasped. He seemed to be talking to Beatriz, then his gaze found Claire.
“Witch!” His outstretched hand suddenly held a long butcher knife. “Witch! Stay away from us! Murderer! Abomination! Die!”
Fronilde dropped to the ground, but Claire couldn’t move. Surprise robbed her brain of a Song to stop him. Even the words of the Hornet Tune, which she knew as well as her name, deserted her. The man closed as everyone scrambled out of his way. Then Beatriz sprang from her chair to stand over Claire, holding up her hand. The tall, black-lace mantilla atop her head waved like a flag. “Stop.”
Something about the authority in the First Wife’s voice—or maybe her simple resistance instead of cringing or scrambling away—brought the man up short, making him pause for a moment. Just the moment the bodyguard needed to crush the lunatic to the floor and overpower him, wrestling free the knife. More guards came running from outside.
Breath rushed back in Claire’s lungs. Beatriz sniffed and touched a spot on her chest over her heart and then her forehead and stomach areas. “Imbecile. He didn’t know who he was dealing with.”

About Michelle

Michelle Hauck lives in the bustling metropolis of northern Indiana with her hubby and two teenagers. Two papillons help balance out the teenage drama. Besides working with special needs children by day, she writes all sorts of fantasy, giving her imagination free range. A book worm, she passes up the darker vices in favor of chocolate and looks for any excuse to reward herself. Bio finished? Time for a sweet snack.

She is a co-host of the yearly contests Query Kombat and Nightmare on Query Street, and Sun versus Snow.

Her epic fantasy, Kindar's Cure, is published by Divertir Publishing. Her short story, Frost and Fog, is published by The Elephant's Bookshelf Press in their anthology, Summer's Double Edge. She's repped by Sarah Negovetich of Corvisiero Literary.

Website | Twitter | Facebook page | Tumblr | Goodreads


2 winners will receive a signed  of GRUDGING, US Only.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

{Release Blitz + Giveaway} Into The Light - By Caroline T. Patti

Welcome to the Release Day Celebration for
Into The Light (Into The Dark #2) by Caroline T. Patti
presented by Month9Books!
Be sure to enter the giveaway found at the end of the post!
Happy Book Birthday, Caroline!
Into the Light Cover
Mercy’s family is back together and the threat of danger appears to have passed. But any relief she feels is short lived as she is ripped from her body and thrown in jail. Gage and Nathaniel’s plans to break Mercy out won’t exactly be easy. Stuffed full of a chemical binding agent, Mercy is trapped inside the body of a convict without the ability to breach and set herself free. Unfortunately for Mercy, being trapped in jail becomes the least of her problems when she meets her evil twin, Justice.
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Into the Light (Into the Dark #2) by Caroline T. Patti Publication Date: August 23, 2016 Publisher: Month9Books
A girl’s sweet sixteen party is supposed to be among the most memorable events of her life. But on the night of hers, Mercy Clare wakes in the waiting room of a hospital with no memory of how she got there. To make matters worse, she’s wearing something she’d never be caught dead in: her best friend Lyla’s clothes.
Mercy’s nightmare is just beginning. The doctor arrives to tell her that it’s she who lies in the hospital bed waiting to die. A trip to the bathroom confirms Mercy’s fears, as Lyla’s face stares back at her and Lyla’s curvy figure pokes through her tight clothes.
But finding out what’s really going on won’t be easy. Because if Mercy wants her body back, it might just cost her Lyla’s life.
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Caroline T Patti is the author of The World Spins Madly On and Too Late To Apologize. When she’s not writing, she’s a school librarian, mother of two, wife, avid reader and Green Bay Packer fan. You can chat with her on Twitter: carolinetpatti or find her on Facebook: Author Caroline T Patti.
Complete the Rafflecopter below for a chance to win!

Friday, August 19, 2016

{Release Blitz: Time Travel Lesson + Giveaway} Extracted - By Sherry D. Ficklin & Tyler Jolley


Extracted - By  Sherry D. Ficklin & Tyler Jolley
Published by: Clean Teen Publishing
Release Date: 8/15/2016
Genres: Steampunk, Young Adult

Two opposing factions of time travelers vie for control of the future in this thrilling steampunk series opener dubbed “Interesting” and “Unexpected” by Kirkus Reviews. 
Lex and Ember—two time travelers with no memories of their lives before being recruited into the time war—are torn between the factions. When Lex accepts a mission that lands him deep within the heart of the Telsa Institute, he meets Ember, and the past that was stolen from them comes flooding back. Now armed with the truth of who they were, Lex and Ember must work together to save the future before the battle for time destroys them once again.

Ember’s Guide to Time Travel
Don’t be alarmed. If you’ve picked up this book by mistake, by all means, put it down and walk away now. While you still can.
I’m Ember and I’ll be walking (okay, more like kidnapping you in a van and screaming at you as we speed out of control down the street) through the ins and outs of being a time traveler. Try not to panic. Breathe deep and accept that if you are reading this, you are most likely one of us and thus, you are screwed. Because for all the glamour, we are really nothing more than glorified slaves.
But more on that later.
Lesson one:
The title time traveler sounds so Jules Verne doesn’t it? And trust me on this, that guy was seriously bent. Had the misfortune of meeting him once and fhew! He gave new meaning to the phrase one egg short of a dozen, you know? But I digress. We are Rifters—which is basically just a fancy term for time travelers. There’s some shiny nugget of awesome in our DNA that lets us not only separate ourselves from time, but Rift it like surfing a massive wave. That, in and of itself is pretty cool. Here’s where things get dicey. There are rules to Rifting. I know, lame, right? Most of us have to study for years before we have all the info hammered into our fragile little brains but you—you my lucky friend—are getting the cliff notes version. So keep up. Because there WILL be a test later. (That part is not a joke and you DO NOT want to fail.)
Rifters are like superheroes. Or mutants. Whatever. Pretty rare anyway. So whenever one of us pops up in the time stream we are recruited by a faction, of which there are two.
The Tesla Institute is my home turf. Basically way back in the day Nick Tesla (see: Mad Scientist) stumbled across the time stream during an experiment with electricity and radio waves. I’m glossing over the boring details here (and trust me, they are SO boring) to get to the important stuff. He couldn’t actually cross into the stream. But one of his assistants could. She was the first Rifter. Frustrated, he set about discovering why she had the ability that she did. Turns out, it’s part of a genetic condition specific to a family tree. Here’s the problem with that. If you go back far enough in any family tree, most people share common ancestors. So it’s sort of a crap shoot whether one person from the tree will develop abilities or not. Some of us are stronger than others, strong enough to navigate and access the stream on our own.
Some… not so much.
Once he realized what he stumbled across, Tesla devoted his life to tracking down the most powerful Rifters he could find and bring them together. At the Institute we learn not just how to control our abilities, but lots of other super useful stuff as well. Like combat skills, history, and physics. It’s like a school. Only the headmaster is the disembodied head of a mad genius whose brain is jacked into a massive computer and if you fail the final exams here, you die.
Which sucks.
So why do I stick around? Well, the food is semi-decent and the people are pretty cool. Oh, and we have a mission. Fancy, right? See, we are the guardians. We preserve the stream, preserve history. Sometimes, we can even make a small change to make things better. Nothing major mind you, but we help when we can.
The first class of Rifters Tesla gathered had a couple kids who went all dark side and split off. We call them…
The Hollows. They pretty much the bottom feeders of the Rifting universe. They scavenge whatever Rifters they can find no matter how weak and use them as cannon fodder in their personal war against Tesla. Oh, and remember those rules I mentioned before? Yeah, these guys could give a flying crap about the rules. Actually, I kind of like that about them. Except I know what breaking the time rules can do, and it ain’t pretty folks. Some limits, even I don’t push. But the heathens have zero respect. Or maybe they are just idiots. (Okay, I might be a TINY bit biased)
The Hollows are run by what’s left of a guy named Claymore. He was one of Tesla’s first Rifters. Rumor has it he was so badly injured during an attack on the Institute back in the day that he’s nothing more than a brain in a dive suit. Kind of like Tesla actually. Irony, thou art a heartless wench. Anyway, he corrals the scavengers and sends them out into the time stream to run little missions. Mostly stealing stuff and generally screwing around with history. No one is exactly sure what his end game is, which makes him unpredictable and dangerous. Basically, he’s a big, shovel sized thorn in Tesla’s side.
 Lesson Two
The Rules:
I mentioned this before. Time is a living thing, flexible in some ways, but things can get very dicey if you tick it off. I’ll start with the hard and fast rules, the ones you NEVER challenge.
  1. NEVER Rift into your own path. Because people are only supposed to be able to be in one place at a time, coming into physical contact with yourself could literally destroy the stream. Best case scenario the stream splits like a fork in a river and an alternate time line is created or worst case scenario the universe implodes. No one is entirely sure which, but Tesla has run the calculations on it and he believes it would cause a paradox that would cause time to sort of rip itself part. In other words, BAD THINGS.
  2. NEVER change your own history. If you go back and prevent yourself from ever being born, then guess what? You were never born, but the version of yourself that went back to make the change still exists. Boom! Paradox. Yep. Why, you ask? Because once you step through the stream for the first time, you are changed. You become a creature of time, separate and apart from it. The slavery I mentioned earlier? You probably thought I meant the Factions. Nope. We may think we control time, but the truth is vastly opposite.
 Happy Rifting!

About the Authors

Sherry D. Ficklin is a full time writer from Colorado where she lives with her husband, four kids, two dogs, and a fluctuating number of chickens and house guests. A former military brat, she loves to travel and meet new people. She can often be found browsing her local bookstore with a large white hot chocolate in one hand and a towering stack of books in the other. That is, unless she’s on deadline at which time she, like the Loch Ness monster, is only seen in blurry photographs. 
Author links 

Tyler H. Jolley is a sci-fi/fantasy author and full-time orthodontist, periodontist (see: Overachiever). He divides his spare time between writing, reading, mountain biking, and camping with his family.
Author links: 



Clean Teen Publishing Mystery Box (Intl winner would get eBook prizes)


Thursday, August 18, 2016

{Release Blitz + Giveaway} Shadow Born - By Jasmine Walt & Rebecca Hamilton


Shadow Born - By Jasmine Walt & Rebecca Hamilton
(Shadows of Salem #1)
Release Date: 8/16/2016
Genres: Adult, Urban Fantasy

Chicago Police Detective Brooke Chandler is keeping a secret… and if she’s not careful, it could get her killed. 

Brooke is no stranger to the supernatural. 
In Chicago, vampires are just as prevalent as drug lords, and infinitely more bloodthirsty. So when her partner and fiancé dies in a mysterious fire while chasing down a lead in Salem, she suspects something dark and otherworldly is at play. 
Blessed with the ability to see into the past by touching inanimate objects, Brooke transfers to the Salem PD, hoping her talent will help her get to the bottom of things. Between dodging assassination attempts and being stonewalled at every turn, the going is tough. Add in a mysterious fae club owner with secrets of his own and a personal grudge against her, and it becomes nearly impossible. 
If Brooke wants to play in the supernatural sandbox, she’s going to have to roll up her sleeves and get dirty. But how many people will have to die for Brooke to discover the truth about her fiance? And is she even ready to know?

Find out what lurks in the SHADOWS OF SALEM by pre-ordering SHADOW BORN, the latest Urban Fantasy hit readers are comparing to Karen Marie Moning and Patricia Briggs.



“They’re conniving, manipulative, and take things that don’t belong to them.” Maddock hissed, then shoved to his feet. “Such as the fae that have been going missing recently.”
“Well, I can’t argue with that,” I muttered, eyeing him warily. He was glaring at me, as if this were somehow my fault. “But how do you know it’s the witches doing this? A symbol on a wall isn’t what I call concrete evidence.”

Maddock crossed his arms and glared down at me, making my heart jump into my throat. “So yer defending them now? Somehow I’m not surprised.”

His sarcastic tone was so accusatory that his behavior suddenly made sense. All the animosity, the condemning glares…

“You think I’m a witch, don’t you?” I jabbed a finger at him. “That’s why you don’t like me, and why you always look at me like I’m a piece of shit stuck to your shoe.”

“I dinnae know what ye are,” Maddock growled, clamping his hand around my forearm. “Aside from a heaping of trouble. But right now, I need ye, which is why I’m tolerating yer presence in this city. Now let’s get going already. I’ve something to show ye.”


About the Authors

Rebecca Hamilton writes Paranormal Fantasy, Horror, and Literary Fiction. She lives in Florida with her husband and four kids, along with multiple writing personalities that range from morbid to literary. Having a child diagnosed with autism has inspired her to illuminate the world through the eyes of characters who see things differently.
Rebecca Hamilton is represented by the ever-more-amazing Rossano Trentin of TZLA. 
Author links: 
Jasmine Walt: I'm obsessed with books, chocolate, and sharp, pointy objects. Somehow, those three things melded together in my head and transformed into a desire to write. Usually fantastical stuff, with a healthy dose of action and romance. My characters are a little (okay, a lot) on the snarky side, and they swear, but they mean well. Even the villains sometimes. 
When I'm not working on my next book, you can find me working on my dao sword form, spending time with my family, or binge-watching superhero shows on Netflix. I love to hear from my readers, so if you've got a question or just want to say hi, feel free to contact me via my website at www.jasminewalt.com.
Author links: 


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