Friday, February 27, 2015

{Cover Reveal} Dark Secrest: Edge of Evil - By Shea Berkley


What better way to end your week than with a killer cover reveal?! Today Shea Berkley is showing off the cover of her latest creation....and it is GORGEOUS!


Dark Secrets: Edge of Evil - By Shea Berkley
(Dark Secrets #2)
Publication Date: March 3rd 2015
Genres: Adult, Paranormal Romance

What if nightmares, best kept in the dark, refuse to stay hidden?
Dr. Maya Kelbeck believes no matter how unusual her patients’ delusions, she can help. When billionaire Alden Caldwell seeks her counsel to escape a controlling relationship, she’s intrigued by his unusual diagnosis, lycanthropy—her patient actually believes he is over 400 years old and a werewolf.
Alden Caldwell’s life is not his own and hasn’t been since the middle ages, not since he was transformed into a werewolf. The once noble knight now finds himself no more than a slave to a female vampire who is without morals, without conscious, without a soul.

Maya promises Alden she can help him, and at first it looks like she can, until the supernatural world in which he lives wants him back. Can Alden convince Maya his delusions are real in time to save her, or has he just sentenced a woman who cares for him despite his past transgressions to a fate worse than death?



Shea Berkley started out writing nonfiction (not so fun) and quickly moved into fiction (totally fun), and knew she'd found her calling. (Her family was thrilled she'd found friends to play with even if they weren't technically real.) She's still pleasantly surprised people are willing to pay to read her stories. Besides writing, her many diversions include kickboxing, reading awesome books and hanging out with her loud and rambunctious family. With five kids (all girls), her biggest job is to make sure the little darlings don't harass the neighbors and then play dumb when the cops come knocking on her door.

Author links:

Thursday, February 19, 2015

{Cover Reveal} Consent - By Nancy Ohlin

Today I have the pleasure of sharing Nancy Ohlin's cover for Consent with you all!









Consent -  By Nancy Ohlin
Publisher - Simon Pulse
Publication Date - November 10th 2015
Genres - Contemporary, Young Adult

Bea has a secret.

Actually, she has more than one. There’s her dreams for the future that she can’t tell anyone—not her father and not even her best friend, Plum.

And now there’s Dane Rossi. Dane is hot, he shares Bea’s love of piano, and he believes in her.

He’s also Bea’s teacher.

When their passion for music crosses into passion for each other, Bea finds herself falling completely for Dane. She’s never felt so wanted, so understood, so known to her core. But the risk of discovery carries unexpected surprises that could shake Bea entirely. Bea must piece together what is and isn’t true about Dane, herself, and the most intense relationship she’s ever experienced, in this absorbing novel from Nancy Ohlin.


I am the author of BEAUTY, a YA retelling of the Snow White tale, and ALWAYS, FOREVER, a YA retelling of Daphne du Maurier's REBECCA. ALWAYS, FOREVER was originally published in hardcover as THORN ABBEY.

I've also contributed to several celebrity novels, including a New York Times-bestselling YA trilogy.

I'm currently hard at work on my next YA novel, which will be as mind-bending as ALWAYS, FOREVER (I hope!).

My favorite cures for writers' block are long walks, long showers, popcorn, chocolate, and really expensive coffee. I talk to myself a lot while I write (you know, to make sure the dialogue zings).

Author links:

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

{Release Blitz} Heart of Stone - By Kelly Keaton



Set in New 2, a dangerous and lush alternate New Orleans, the fourth book in Keaton’s Gods & Monsters series, finds the God-killer Ari and Mistborn Sebastian on the hunt for Archer, infant son of Athena, a child fated to bring about the Blood Wars, the ultimate showdown between the gods and the monsters they created, a war that will trap mankind in the middle of a destructive conflict thousands of years in the making.

As Ari and Sebastian attempt to rescue the child, forces pull them apart, sending Sebastian on a perilous journey to the desert sands of Egypt and into the lair of a dark, enthralling entity, and Ari to the Halls of Olympus and, darker still, the very heart of the Underworld where Death awaits with a bargain that brings Ari’s worst nightmares into sharp and heart wrenching focus.

Published: February 17th, 2015
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Excerpt from a scene featuring Sebastian in HEART OF STONE by Kelly Keaton

 The Dark Mother’s power crept over him like a heavy black sludge, sinking into his pores, snaking around the inside of his skull and into his brain, eating away his will and self control.

“Come closer,” she said.

God, that voice . . . her lure, her scent, her unbelievable ability to inspire in him devotion, loyalty, and desire was so strong he wanted to weep.


She was his and he’d kill anyone who got close to her. The magnitude of that thought, the utter faith and strength of it made him stumble back and shake his head. He blinked hard. Sweat beaded on his skin. He saw a flash of surprise in Phillip’s gaze. Saw the advisor’s brows knit with worry.

Yeah, he was pretty sure not many vamps stepped back when the Dark Mother said come closer.

As he stayed there, shaking from the weight of her lure, trying to regain control and force her dirty drug from his system, he saw her creepy eyes light with curiosity. No, they sparked, ignited. She stilled like the predator she was. Her hands gripped the sides of her cold throne and she leaned forward slightly. Eagerly.

And then she was on him, slamming into him so hard he flew back with her clutched to him, her nails digging into his arms as he hit the ground hard. Pain exploded through his neck as she sank long, ancient fangs into his skin and muscle and vein.

She angled his head to the side, holding it down hard against the floor, her palm flat against his forehead, her nails ripping into his scalp and skin as she drank.

Her presence, her power suffocated him. It was too much. He was overdosing. Losing it. She was sucking him dry. Every tug of her mouth and every movement she made against his skin elicited a bewildering mix of wild need and deep stomach-clenching disgust.

Everything in him fought. He squirmed under her, fighting to be free, yet his hands were gripping her hips tightly, pulling her closer.

His delirious gaze flew to her court as they watched in total shock.

No one was going to save him. He was alone on a sinking ship. And his fate was sealed. Just as it had been sealed with Athena’s vampire servant Zaria, who’d tortured him relentlessly. Never a chance, never a choice. Neither one gave him a choice. He’d killed Zaria, killed her good. He ground his hips against the Dark Mother. Pleasure shot through him. He’d kill her, too, kill her dead and good.

Her hair brushed over his face. It smelled so good and yet in another instant it reeked of sweat, blood, and years of oil and dirt.

Jesus. What was on him? Eating him alive...

A shot of fear plugged him in the heart and he lurched against her, all his faculties returning in a blinding moment of reality. He screamed, a guttural roar, as if fear itself had reached down and yanked it out of the deepest part of him.

And then he was fading again, sinking, being sucked down into the vortex of a beautiful lie.

She was all lies.

And he loved her so much.

Such was the power of his goddess, his Dark Mother.

He closed his eyes and let his muscles go slack, accepting her love.

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Kelly is a multi-published author with nine novels currently in print. She writes the YA series, Gods & Monsters (Simon & Schuster), and the Charlie Madigan urban fantasy series (Pocket Books), which are written as Kelly Gay. She is a two-time RITA® Finalist, an ARRA nominee, a Goodreads Choice Award finalist, and has landed on the Southern Independent Booksellers Alliance's Okra Picks list. Kelly is also a recipient of North Carolina Arts Council's fellowship grant in Literature. She lives in NC with her family.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

{Cover Reveal + Giveaway} Deception - By A.S. Fenichel

Deception (The Demon Hunters #2) - By A.S. Fenichel
Release Date: 7/7/2015

When Demons threaten Regency London, only a Lady can stop them.
Lillian Dellacourt is beautiful, refined and absolutely lethal. She’s also the most feared and merciless demon hunter in The Company. She’s come a long way from the penniless seamstress’s daughter sold to the highest bidder, and it wasn’t by trusting a man, let alone an exiled Marquis with more on his mind than slaying the hellspawn . . .

For Dorian Lambert, Marquis de Montalembert, being sent to keep track of Lillian is no mean task. He’s wanted the fiery vixen since he first heard of her five years ago. But wooing the lady while fighting the demon uprising is no easy feat, especially when the lady’s tongue is as sharp as the Japanese sai blades she favors for eviscerating the spawn of hell.

These two will have to learn to trust each other fast, because the demon master is back, and he’s planning to turn Edinburgh into a living hell…

About the Author:

A.S. Fenichel gave up a successful career in New York City to follow her husband to Texas and pursue her lifelong dream of being a professional writer. She’s never looked back.

A.S. adores writing stories filled with love, passion, desire, magic and maybe a little mayhem tossed in for good measure. Books have always been her perfect escape and she still relishes diving into one and staying up all night to finish a good story.

Multi-published in erotic, contemporary and historical romance, A.S. is the author of the Mayan Destiny series, Christmas Bliss and many more. With several books currently contracted to multiple publishers, A.S. will be brining you her brand of romance for many years to come.

Originally from New York, she grew up in New Jersey, and now lives in the East Texas with her real life hero, her wonderful husband. When not reading or writing she enjoys cooking, travel, history, and puttering in her garden.


Monday, February 16, 2015

{Release Blitz + Giveaway} Born Into Magic - By David Wind

Born To Magic
by David Wind
Series: Tales of Nevaeh: Volume 1
Genre: Science Fiction/Fantasy
Release Date: February 15, 2015
Welcome to Nevaeh: a world where technology no longer exists, but magic does.
Long ago, a mythical nation known as 'America' died in the violence and radiation of the terrorist wars. Now their descendants dwell in a world of ritual and magic where ten dominions struggle for supremacy while a dark power rises to threaten them all.
In Nevaeh, where men are blessed with great strength and women have both strength and psychic abilities, one woman has been chosen to be Nevaeh's savior, Areenna—the only daughter of the King of Freemorn.
Barely eighteen, Areenna's psychic abilities—her magic— are already stronger than that of most women. But when Areenna is called to The Island, a place where all women of psychic power must go, but from where only some return, she soon learns the fate of her world is in her hands.
Accompanied by Mikaal, the son of the High King of Nevaeh, the two undertake a perilous journey to a place of great power, in an effort to save Nevaeh from the oncoming darkness, and these dark and evil forces will do everything in their power to stop Areenna from reaching her destination.
Areenna’s journey is filled with unimaginable dangers as they cross through three of Nevaeh's ten dominions, and through the haunted wastelands and badlands filled with the mutated survivors of the nuclear holocaust to fight their way to what will either claim both their lives or give them the powers to save their world.
“There is no choice.” Cupping the sides of his head, the High King of Nevaeh held himself as if trying to ease a headache of astonishing proportions.
“There is always a choice.” The High Queens’s voice was as soothing as was the hand stroking his back. While smaller than most men of Nevaeh, the king was broad across the chest and shoulders, narrow at the hips with powerful legs and arms. Yet none would have pictured him a king for his size combined with the delivery of his words served to make him appear slow-witted. He, however, was far from slow-witted. He considered every word he spoke carefully before allowing it to pass his lips.
His special combination of strength and intelligence had allowed him to defeat the sorceresses controlled and led by the Masters of the Circle of Afzal—the leaders of the shadowy empire across the sea. These witches had held Nevaeh in virtual slavery, using the fighting between the ten dominions to keep their Dark Masters’ strength high—for they fed not upon earthly food, but by keeping the rulers of Nevaeh at each other’s throats, living and growing in the power created by the dark energies born from the fighting.
By defeating the Afzaleem, he became the first person to unite the dominions of Nevaeh under a single rule while at the same time denying the Circle their Nevaen puppets.
The king lifted his head to look into the gray eyes of his mate. “There is no choice,” he repeated. “We must keep the trust and willingness of all rulers to allow themselves and their families to be led rather than forced.”
“There are still those who resist what we do to help them,” she said.
“No, it is because those few have no faith in me,” he whispered. While his words were simple, they were true.
“Perhaps…Yet I know there will be one who comes to your aid, when the time is right,” she whispered. “I have foreseen it in my dreams, My Lord. You have changed much since you became high king and you ask the people to do the same. And remember, what follows this change is what you seek to guide, not the change itself. The rest will take more time than you and I have, which is why you must wait for the right person.”
“How long is the wait? We both know the situation grows dire. The lords of the ten will start feuding again as the remnants of the Circle try to rise. The Afzaleem are all but dead. But we know the Circle will find new vassals to fill with darkness…if they have not done so already. Soon there will begin fighting. The people will be easily swayed should the dark power find a way to regain a foothold…and such can only happen when dominion fights dominion. They almost won, and they will try again—they will never stop. How long must the wait be?” he repeated, not seeking an answer but putting forth the question to the very air itself. “Days? Weeks? Years?”
In from the window floated the voice of their sixteen year old son, Mikaal, as he trained for combat in the courtyard below. “This person will come. It will not be…overly long, my husband, my…Lord. It will happen—perhaps not in the way you think it should, but it will come about the way it must.”

I live and write in a small village about thirty miles upstate of NYC, and share my home with my wife, Bonnie and our dog Alfie, an apricot poodle.
When I began writing in 1980, I had no idea where I was headed. Since then, I've published thirty-five novels, thirty-three of them with traditional publishers, but I decided I wanted more freedom than the traditional publishers would allow and began a new phase in my life as an Independent Author.
Sci-Fi & fantasy has always been my most favorite genre.   My first novel in the genre,Queen Of Knights was a medieval / historical fantasy and reached #2 on the bestseller lists for historical fantasy and medieval fantasy, and my sci-fi of parallel worlds, The Others, received wide acclaim.  
M first Independent novel, Angels In Mourning, was my 'homage' to the old time private detective books of the late 40's, 50's and 60's.  I used to love to sneak them from my parents’ night-tables and read them as a young boy.  Angels is a modern day take on the old style hardboiled detective.  Angels In Mourning won the Book of the Month Reader's Choice Award shortly after it was published.
My most current thriller, The Cured, was written with Terese Ramin. The idea for this Medical Thriller came shortly after the death of a close friend.  I couldn't help but wonder about the medication....
My previous suspense thrillers are The Hyte Maneuver, (a Literary guild alternate selection); As Peace Lay DyingConspiracy of MirrorsAnd Down Will Come BabyNow I Lay Me Down To Sleep ,and Shadows.

Saturday, February 14, 2015

{Book Highlight + Giveaway} The Kingdom Within - By Samantha Gillespie


Happy Valentine's Day love birds, hope you're spending it with those who matter the, well, I'm Manager on Duty at work I am spreading the love with everyone here!

Thank you for putting the chocolates down & taking time to read up about the first book in Samantha Gillespie's fantastic new series, The Kingdom Within!

The Kingdom Within
Author - Samantha Gillespie
Series - The Kingdom Within Series #1
Genre - YA, Fantasy Romance

Princess Meredith’s eighteenth birthday is fast approaching, but unlike other girls, she is not looking forward to it. Upon her coming of age, she is to marry the prince of Alder, the most powerful kingdom in the world. Though the idea of marriage to a complete stranger is appalling, she knows she has no choice. Without the marriage contract, Stonefall’s alliance with Alder will be lost, and her people will be safe no longer; Theros, King of Talos, has set his eyes of conquest on Stonefall and he wants Meredith dead.

Connor, an elite soldier entrusted with Meredith’s safety, arrives at the palace just as things begin to take a turn for the worst. Together, they will embark on a journey of survival, in which Meredith will find that the only thing she never prepared for was falling in love.


“Their fear is your weapon.” The old man’s words ring loud and true within the walls of the banquet room. They display eloquently against the pale face of his latest target—or rather, his latest conquest. The rebellious nature of the fugitive landowner before him crumbled to an embarrassing spectacle of soiled trousers and desperate pleas.
“I’ll pay double,” he says through hasty breaths.
The old man smiles. “Your debt is no longer a concern.” He gestures to the two armored men who hold the landowner captive. “Guards, please introduce him to Eva.” The landowner throws nervous glances at the guards as they usher him across the room. Like all the others before him, it takes him a moment to realize who Eva is. I watch him stiffen, throwing his legs out in front of him to stall the guards, his heels dragging uselessly against the polished wood. He gives in to a series of screams as they reach the human shaped cabinet. It stands open, the long, sharp internal spikes ready to impale its next victim.
“Life is a cradle of victories and failures, my son,” the old man says over the man’s screams, raising his cup to me. “The more victorious you are—”
“The longer I shall live,” I finish flatly. “I can recite your teachings in my sleep, old man. When will I get to do anything with them?”
He takes his time to answer, enjoying the last of the landowner’s melody as Eva’s iron door grinds to a close. He welcomes the ensuing silence with a sigh. “You are young still, boy. But if you are ever to do my bidding, you must work on your patience; revenge is not to be rushed.”
I snort. “What is it now, thirty years? I’d wager you are in no danger of rushing anything.” The old man stares back through zealous eyes.
“Patience, son. The best poison is that which spreads through unsuspecting veins, killing slowly and gradually. The kind that tastes sweet to the tongue and doesn’t bitter until the very end.”


Book Trailer


About the Author

Samantha Gillespie is a creative, helpless romantic who was born in Mexico, where she grew up with her family until they returned to the States at age eleven. An avid reader from a young age, Samantha finally gave into her passion for writing, making her debut with The Kingdom Within.
Samantha considered pursuing a degree in English Literature while in college but despite her family and friend's encouragement, she opted for a more practical career in Business. Now, with the publication of her first book under her belt, she occasionally hits herself on the head for it. Samantha currently lives in Houston, TX, and besides being a sucker for romance, she has a soft spot for helpless kittens, and all things Pride & Prejudice.




Friday, February 13, 2015

{Book Highlight + Giveaway} Final Stand - By Rose Garcia

Final Stand - By Rose Garcia
Release Date: 3/2014
Series: The Transhuman Chronicles #2

Dominique is still alive after killing Tavion, the Tainted who's hunted her for lifetimes. Yet her protectors still fear for her life. They force her to flee Houston and abandon the friends she loves. But they can't protect her from herself. When Dominique starts hearing Tavion's voice in her head, she realizes that her personal connection to the Tainted still exists. And when her car is ambushed, she discovers another frightening truth—someone close to her is a traitor.

Desperate for answers, Dominique seeks the aid of first lifers Trent and Infiniti. With their help, she hopes to find her new enemy. But things get complicated with Trent when she finally accepts her eternal love for Farrell, and even more complicated when the whispers in her head threaten her loved ones. Determined to live, Dominique decides to make a final stand against the forces that want to end her. For good.

Amazon | B&N | Kobo | iBooks 

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            Our eyes locked. Like magnets, our bodies leaned in. Even though I had felt a connection with Trent back in Houston, my mind always took me back to Farrell. But I kept resisting him because he represented a part of me I didn’t know, a part of me that didn’t exist anymore.
            My body trembled. Even though I wanted to be with him, I wasn’t sure if I could trust my emotions. “Farrell, I don’t know if the feelings I have for you are really mine. Or if they’re glimpses of another version of me.”
            He traced the side of my face with his warm fingertips. “It’s you, Dominique. Here. Now. And nobody else. I promise.”
            Desire coursed through my veins, and I knew, without a doubt, he was right. I wanted him. I needed him. In this life. Right now. And I was tired of fighting it. “Farrell,” I whispered.
            He brought his face within inches of mine and stared deep into my eyes before brushing his warm, soft lips against my mouth. Tingles erupted all over my skin. Warmth spread throughout my cold body. He wrapped his strong arms around me and brought me closer. Our kiss was slow and deep. His breath and taste drew me in, and I wished I could melt into him.
            He moved his mouth down to my neck, sprinkling kisses all over me. “I’ve waited so long for this,” he whispered.
            I ran my fingers through his thick hair and moaned. “Oh, Farrell.”
            Footsteps crunched in the distance, killing the moment. We separated fast, pretending like nothing had happened even though everything had happened.
            I was his, and he was mine.

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About the Author

Rose Garcia is a lawyer turned writer who's always been fascinated by science fiction and fantasy. From a very young age, she often had her nose buried in books about other-worlds, fantastical creatures, and life and death situations. More recently she's been intrigued by a blend of science fiction and reality, and the idea that some supernatural events are, indeed, very real. Fueled by her imagination, she created The Transhuman Chronicles--a series of books about people who have overcome human limitations.

Rose lives in Houston with her husband and two kids. You can visit Rose at

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If you would like to participate in the Cover Reveal for book 3 in the series, FINAL DEATH, you can sign up HERE!